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PA residents challenge EPA officials to drink fracked well water, bags searched at Metro in response

October 11, 2014
DC Direct Action News

On the 10th of October, anti-fracking activists and a resident of Dimock county in Pennsylvania challenged EPA officials to drink from either of two samples of discolored, contaminated well water from a fracking-damaged well. The response they got was the expected and understood refusal to drink the water, and an acceptance by an EPA official of their petitions. Meanwhile, the EPA building behind them was guarded by a counted 20+ cops-and bag searches at the Metro station entrance there. As soon as the protest ended, the DHS bag search checkpoint was withdrawn from the Metro station

Perhaps the bag searches were because the EPA had previously identified the main contaminent in this well water as uranium? They said the water was “safe to drink” yet told a neighbor not to even use it to bathe their children. I guess the idea of uranium entering the EPA’s headquarters even as part of a sample of contaminated drinking water is enough to draw a full-on “terrorism” scare, given the blunt “anti-terrorism” labels on the body armor worn by the DHS cops. Why is it OK for water to come out of someone’s well that is considered a terrorist emergency if even one drop gets on the Metro, much less inside a Federal building? Why are the gas frackers not called terrorists for putting uranium in well water that may be consumed by children?

Click here to see the pictures and video