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Economist Frederic Mousseau Reveals the Role Global Finance Plays in the Ukraine Conflict

August 26, 2014
This is Hell

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For the Ukrainian people, choosing between West and Russia is not only a false choice, but a choice that comes with major economic decisions already made for them, usually against their interests and without their input. Frederic Mousseau is the Policy Director at the Oakland Institute and co-author of the report Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict. Frederic talks about the role international financial institutions played in the early days of Ukraine’s crisis, why choosing “Western values” also means having Western economic policies like austerity, GMO crops and free trade chosen for you, and the willful blindness that helps the World Bank and IMF profit from destructive policies across the globe.

Frederic Mousseau is the Policy Director at the Oakland Institute, where he coordinates the Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa project.